Kalatà supports Refugees Welcome Italy
#cultureunitestheworld acquista il biglietto per una delle nostre esperienze di visita sul nostro sito, devolveremo € 1 del ricavato di ogni ticket a sostegno dei rifugiati vittime della guerra in Ucraina
Right now Kalatá is not indifferent to what is happening in Ukraine, and we know that even a small gesture can make a difference.
We adhere, as do many in the cultural sector to the “Culture Unites the World” campaign – #cultureunitestheworld – launched by the Ministry of Culture: “sharing meaningful images concerning the pain and suffering of war or, conversely, the harmony and prosperity of peacetime.”
We have, in addition, decided to donate part of the proceeds from tickets purchased on our website until March 31, 2021, to Refugees Welcome Italia, an independent organization that promotes citizen mobilization to foster the social inclusion of refugees.
How to purchase:
- choose the visiting experience
- On the experience page click on the “BUY NOW” button.
- check availability
- buy ticket online
1€, for every ticket purchased online, will be donated by Kalatà to Refugees Welcome Italia in support of Ukrainian refugees.